You might have great ads and offers but if you are not delivering it to the right people, then it probably won’t convert.
Having millions of users checking Facebook and Instagram daily, the only way to run high-converting ads with the lowest cost possible is to get very specific with your target audience. In this video, Lorell talks about the targeting options you can use inside your Facebook ads dashboard and focuses on the ones that will be beneficial for you. Similarly, for those navigating the complexities of timeshares, Understanding Timeshare Costs on provides essential information about the various expenses associated with timeshare ownership, helping individuals make informed decisions about their investments.
Get ready to learn a strategic campaign structure designed to turn a cold stranger into a paying customer and retargeting tips even if you just started your business.
Check out Lorell’s Youtube Channel
Learn more about Facebook & Instagram Ads so you can sell more while you enjoy freedom, without a large following, the overwhelming tech, or a big budget! Register Here.
What does it mean by targeting Interest Targeting Audiences at once?
This means that out of the five that you launch with the first three so ad sets are going to be interest targeting, the fourth your custom audiences or also called warm audiences or retargeting, and then the fifth ad set a lookalike at if you have already created that. Out of five, ad set number one, two, and three are going to be three different types of interest targeting audiences.
What if a person starts with three ads instead of five?
You can do three interest targeting or two interest targeting and one warm, or whatever combination you’d like. The most important thing is that three is the minimum number of ad sets and you run two different ads so that you have at least six different opportunities.
Will I have to continue with cold and warm audiences once I get accustomed to lookalike audiences?
Yes! Always come up with new cold audiences all the time. That’s what data does for you. You’re going to always be finding new customers you’re going to always be wanting to survey them to see who they are, why they bought from you, what they do so that you can create more cold audiences to get more of that market share.
This goes with warm audiences as well. You have new people coming to check you out on social media every single day, new followers, new engager,s if anybody’s ever shared, etc. Now, that new person that you didn’t even know about saw one of your posts so now they’re captured by that pixel and now they’re warm because they’ve seen you before and they see an ad. And then, they’re in your funnel and now they purchased and you didn’t do anything for that.
So keep your warm ad on. remember this is a funnel. You would never fire the cashier you, which is like your warm/hot ad because your door greeter is doing well. This is the moneymaker!
If we just started running ads, how do we have retargeting and lookalike audiences?
If you have a business that you have just started brand new out the gate, you probably have a business profile on Instagram and Facebook. Since the moment you start that, you’ve got a pixel, you’ve got data, Facebook owns that. When you activate your pixel and say “I want to create a custom audience based on my Instagram engagers”, they already have that information. So all you’re doing now is putting that into a bucket and saying, “Yes, I want to use this data.”
It’s completely different when you create a custom audience for your website traffic though. If you just put your pixel on your website traffic, it’s going to start from the day that you placed the pixel on there.
Not everyone will have a lookalike upfront. You can’t create a lookalike unless you have a custom audience. If you’ve got your pixel on for the last two months, all you need is a hundred conversions or a hundred people on one audience to create a lookalike. So if you had at least a hundred people that visit your website at any point of time right then you can now create it look like but if you have 50 people or if you just set up your pixel two days ago and you don’t think you have that traffic yet you can’t create a look like off of that. If you’ve had at least 100 people visit your Instagram and Facebook pages then you can create a look like off of that.
The number one value audience that you can ever use is a look-alike of your purchasers so if you’ve had ever had 100 people who have bought something from you, that is golden. You won’t have to target, you won’t have to do anything else. Try to get that lookalike for purchasers. It’s not free money but it’s almost like it’s just easy money because they already have created a clone of new people out here on these social media streets who look exactly like the people who are on that list that have bought from you. They’ve already targeted them, they’ve created a new list based on their behaviors, their interests, their shopping patterns, all that good stuff so you don’t have to do the hard work.
When running ads for website templates, would these need any funnels connected to these ads?
Yes, everything in here applies to everybody now as far as funnels. With this, it’s going to be the e-commerce funnel which is focusing on creating an ad at the top of your funnel that hopefully is a video, and then retarget those people for purchase.
And definitely, everybody needs three different ad sets because you don’t want to limit yourself. Have that open mindset of abundance versus scarcity. You could go and have one ad set but you’ll only have one opportunity. Don’t get comfortable, don’t settle because there is lots of money to make out here for business owners. It’s like the world is your oyster, Facebook is your oyster because they will continuously bring you more data to show you who’s interested in you and all you got to do is set it up and they will come into your funnel and purchase your offers.
This is still a beginner step, three to five at once. Then you’re going to see how this works and performs and then soon you’ll have campaigns with 10 and 20 different audiences and all you’re doing at that point is every time you come in to check your ads you’re optimizing. It just means you’ll be tweaking to make them better.
If I were to start running ads next week but my product will not be done until next month, won’t I just be losing money every day?
Absolutely not.
First, we never really lose unless it went to a broken 404 page. You’re not losing, you’d be investing money into LEADS. Get their information at least start to build out your email list of people that are super interested. If pre-selling is something you can do and the delivery will be on the 1st of the month, do that. If it’s not possible, if you’re not comfortable, at least collect leads and build your email list so that they know what’s to come, they’re interested, they’re engaged, you’re warming them up. That’s how Social Sales Lab students have huge launches because they came in, they didn’t have anything yet ready yet but they’re building that list.
Are you gonna shout to an empty room? No!
How about having hundreds of new people that are getting they already spent the last few weeks getting to know you? You’re going to have a crazy sellout day.
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